Sunday, November 4, 2007

What happened to October?

No posts the entire month of October? How did that happen? *scratch head*

Well, it might have a little to do with the visitors we had. Uncle Rick and his girlfriend Carrie came for a visit. They played with me lots - kind of tuckered me out some days. And one night they sent Mama and Dada on a date while they stayed home and played with me and that was fun. When it came time to go to bed, though, I wanted Mama and milkies and I made sure to let them know. They went away for a couple of days after that; I hope they weren't upset by my demands! I like their sense of fun, though. And they like me, too. See?

Dada does better at putting me to sleep, esp. when we watch football together...

Then again, maybe the lack of posts has something to do with this new hobby Mama started? I'd like it a lot better if she'd let me play with the sticks and string, too, but she mostly keeps them away from me. She has taken things off the sticks once in a while and given them to me. They are nubby and feel interesting when I put them in my mouth, but Mama says they belong on my head and around my neck. They are warm, but I'm not sure I like them there.

See how much I like thing in my mouth? It's because I'm getting these sharp things in my mouth. I only have one so far, and it's still really little, but I can feel more trying to poke through, and it hurts...sometimes it hurts bad enough that I try to shake the pain away, but that doesn't work. The little white tablets Mama gives me make me feel a little better. (Mama's note: These are Hyland's teething tablets, a homeopathic remedy.)
And just a few days ago, Mama put me in this weird suit. I tried to like it, really I did, but what was that thing on my head?? I did smile at first...

So, I guess that was October. Mama says we are getting on a plane soon to go visit some people called "cousins." I hope they are nice.