Friday, July 18, 2008

Escape Artist

We kinda sorta thought he could, but now we know for sure.

Chase can - and will! - crawl through the dog door.

I saw him do it twice today. Or rather, once today, I saw him half in/half out, pajama-striped leg sticking up in the air as he slithered to the ground outside. And later he went from being in the kitchen to being in the porch in the blink of an eye (or the time it takes to read half an article in Sunset - you choose).


We had a lovely and successful family outing this afternoon, and took some great photos. Unfortunately, I can not find my camera cable and James is putting Chase to bed and likely to stay there himself. So I'll say no more, and write all about it when it can be a proper photo-essay and not just some rambly text.

1 comment:

Jess said...

LOL on the doggie door! I used to do that... of course, I couldn't fit one toe through the doggie door now. YEAH for family outings! Isn't the weather AWESOME?