Friday, January 25, 2008

I missed it by a day

Dear Chase,

You were 11 months old yesterday. Perhaps if I were a more organized mama, I would have remembered to make this post then, instead of doing it a day late. Well, you can't have everything, I suppose.

Dada and I have been looking back through photos of your life, getting ready for your first birthday. I can't believe it's only 30 days away! I also can't believe how small you once were, or how much things have changed.

I mean, bathtime sure isn't like THIS anymore. You like it a lot more now, that's for certain. You crawl around and play with the bath toys. And you love it when we lay you on your back. Oh, then you become what Dada calls "The Kick Kick Kid"! With a big grin on your face, you kick at the water and make lots of noise and splashes.

You don't sleep like this anymore, either. Although you are sleeping soundly right now, which is how I have time for this post. Your new routine is to take VERY long naps, and you only need me there to get you to sleep. So you are on your own, and I am able to blog, or read, or knit, or even clean (not that I make that choice often!). You still sometimes sleep in my lap, and I'm grateful you haven't outgrown that yet. And you still sleep in our bed with us most of the night. Although I am not always appreciative of your feet in my chest, I love feeling you snuggled up to me, and I love your first-thing-in-the-morning smiles.

You still like to chew on this remote, too, although now that you have six teeth, perhaps it isn't such a good idea. You have lots of other toys that you actually play with now. Blocks and balls, shakers and tambourines, and a rainstick your daddy
just got you. You also play with the curtains, and my slippers, and the coasters on the coffee table. We got rid of one of the TVs so you wouldn't play with that so much, and today you spent a bit of time teaching yourself how the doggie door works. Oh, that's another of your favorites - trying to pet the dog. It is difficult when she moves as soon as she sees you coming, but the grin on your face when you succeed is just priceless!

There is lots more to tell you about, but I will save the rest for your big ONE YEAR post.

For now, here's a big kiss, baby {MWAH!} Sleep well. Mama loves you!


korin said...

Happy 11 months, Chase. :) I hope they next 30 days is fun... but that the next 100 years is even better!

radishly said...

What a super cutie. Happy double one little guy :)